HQ Trivia is the most popular social quiz game around, especially since it launched an Android app. But it’s not the only trivia game doing that. And there are other quiz games which are a bit more fun for one-on-one clashes too. Here are the best sites to know more about HQ Trivia, as well as a few alternatives.
To play a quiz with your friends, Quiz Up and Trivia Crack are still among the best brainy multiplayer games. There is no cash prize in those though unless you place a bet with your friends directly.
Cash Show (Android, iOS)
The biggest HQ Trivia alternative for mobile cash quiz competitions
After the success of HQ Trivia, it was only natural that we would see competitors. Cash Show is the biggest and most popular game to play quiz competitions and earn some money for your brainpower. It is available in limited countries, so check if it works for you in the Play Store or App Store.
It’s similar to HQ Trivia. There are 12 total questions in each competition. Get an answer wrong and you’re out of the competition. You’ll start earning money after the 6th question, with each higher level worth more cash. The cash is distributed among the number of people who get it right.
You can only get to encash your earnings after they cross a total of $ 10. While there are some reports of Cash Show not paying out, most users report it works fine with a PayPal account.
Download: Cash Show for Android | iOS (Free)
Trivia Trackr (Web)
Schedules of cash quiz competitions on all trivia apps
As great as HQ Trivia is, these cash competitions run on a set schedule. You can’t go online at any time and hope to participate. The timings also don’t overlap with other apps that are similar to HQ Trivia, like Cash Show or Quiz Biz. Trivia Trackr puts the competition schedules of all these apps in one page.
It’s a simple chronological list of upcoming games on all apps. You can filter the list by the apps you like, or the region to play in. Each game’s time listing also has quick links to download the app to your mobile device or visit its website. Some genre-specific quizzes, like a pop quiz or music quiz, are also noted under the competition’s name.
Trivia Trackr is the only way to see which app you should open in your spare time or during a break to start playing a cash quiz competition.
r/TriviaApps (Web)
Subreddit to discuss anything about mobile trivia games like HQ Trivia
Go to HQTrivia.com and it redirects you to its iOS app. Cash Show doesn’t have a website of its own. If you need any help with these quiz games, there isn’t a simple site or a forum to find out more. Your best bet for support is the r/TriviaApps community on Reddit.
If you have ever wondered if the app you made money on will pay you, or wanted a place to figure out how to get that cash, this subreddit is for you. It is dedicated to all mobile trivia games, although most of the questions are about Cash Show or HQ. Still, you’ll be able to find any information you need with a simple question.
As is the case with any subreddit, read the rules and obey etiquette. Just because you’re angry with the game or need some help doesn’t mean you take it out on a community of fans trying to help.
Trivia Town (Android, iOS)
One-on-one clashes where you can’t guess the answer
Quiz games make you select from multiple-choice answers, so you often find that people can win by simply guessing. Trivia Town has a neat workaround for such undeserved wins with a different points system.
While it gives you and your opponent four options, it also makes you bet points on how sure you are about an answer. Each round has a maximum of five points and a minimum of one point. The surer you are, the likelier you are to bet the full five points. Get it right for a +5, or get -5 if you’re wrong.
There is no money at stake in Trivia Town. It’s all about the fun of quizzing, as you take on a random stranger on the internet or a friend. Select a category (movies, music, geography, history, politics, etc.), start a game of 10 rounds, and get as many points as you can.
Download: Trivia Town for Android | iOS (Free)
Global Quiz (Web)
HQ Trivia-like social quiz competition for the web, no signup needed
The whole “win cash for playing quizzes” shtick is nice, but the amount of money is quite low and the questions are not that hard. If you think you’re brainy, challenge others at Global Quiz to play against others on the web.
Go to the site and join the arena; you don’t need to sign up. The arena will start a series of 10 questions, each with four options. These are far tougher than the mobile trivia games you’re used to, so don’t be surprised if you get some wrong. But you aren’t kicked out for a wrong answer, and get to play the full 10 questions.
Global Quiz is a nice way to play a quick trivia game without any pressure. You can register for an account if you want to save your wins and progress, but I wouldn’t bother.
Play for Cash or Philanthropy
While HQ Trivia and Cash Show are the biggest, you can check Trivia Trackr to find other cash quiz games. Or you can quiz for the fun of quizzing. Or there’s one more option: play a trivia game for philanthropy, and end world hunger in the process.
Whichever option you choose, you will need to be good at quizzes if you hope to make any winnings. If you struggle with the cash quiz games, then there are other ways to earn extra money on your phone.
Read the full article: 5 HQ Trivia Alternative Apps and Fan Sites to Play Quiz (and Even Win Cash)