The Scrivener Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

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Person typing on a MacBook

Scrivener is one of the best environments for long-form writing. You can rely on its solid organizational features to manage research papers, novels,  manuals, plays, scripts, and more. Whether you want to dig into a specific snippet of writing or get a bird’s-eye view of everything you’ve written, Scrivener has the right set of tools to make your job easier.

If you use Scrivener on your MacBook or plan to do so, we suggest adding keyboard shortcuts to your workflow. Given that Scrivener is quite complex, learning how to navigate it with shortcuts alone can transform how you use the app.

There’s a long list of Scrivener keyboard shortcuts to pick from and you can discover the best of them in our cheat sheet below. The cheat sheet contents are applicable to Scrivener 3, the latest version of the app.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Scrivener Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac.

The Scrivener Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

Shortcut Action
General Shortcuts
Command + , Preferences
Command + H Hide Scrivener
Option + Command + H Hide Others
Command + Q Quit Scrivener
Shift + Command + N New Project
Command + O Open…
Shift + Command + W Close Project
Option + Shift + Command + W Close Project and Clear Interface Settings
Command + W Close Window
Command + S Save
Option + Command + S Save and Rebuild Search Indexes
Shift + Command + S Save As…
Shift + Command + I Import > Files…
Option + Command + W Import > Web Page…
Shift + Command + E Export > Files…
Shift + Command + P Page Setup…
Command + P Print Current Document…
Option + Command + E Compile Draft…
Command + Z Undo
Shift + Command + Z Redo
Command + X Cut
Command + C Copy
Option + Shift + Command + C Copy Special > Copy without Comments and Footnotes
Command + V Paste
Option + Shift + Command + V Paste and Match Style
Command + A Select All
Option + Command + A Select Current Text
Option + Esc Complete
Control + Esc Complete Document Title
Option + Command + Return Insert > Line Break
Shift + Command + B Insert > Bookmark Annotation
Option + Shift + Command + D Insert > Current Date & Time
Command + L Scrivener Link > New Link…
Command + F Find > Find…
Command + G Find > Find Next
Shift + Command + G Find > Find Previous
Command + E Find > Use Selection for Find
Command + J Find > Jump to Selection
Control + Option + F Find > Project Search
Control + Option + Command + F Find > Find by Formatting…
Option + Shift + Command + G Find > Find Next Formatting
Control + Option + Command + G Find > Find Previous Formatting
Command + Spelling and Grammar > Show Spelling and Grammar
Command + ; Spelling and Grammar > Check Document Now
Command + Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing
Option + Command + T Special Characters
Command + 1 Document/Scrivenings
Command + 2 Corkboard
Command + 3 Outline
Shift + Command + > Zoom > Zoom In
Shift + Command + < Zoom > Zoom Out
Option + Command + ↑ Go To > Previous Document
Option + Command + ↓ Go To > Next Document
Control + Command + R Go To > Enclosing Group
Command + 4 Go To > Editor Selection
Option + Command + B Layout > Show/Hide Binder
Option + Command + I Layout > Show/Hide Inspector
Option + Command + = Layout > Split Horizontally
Command + ” Layout > Split Vertically
Shift + Command + ) Layout > Show Layouts
Option + Command + L Editor > Lock in Place
Command + ] Editor > Forward in Document History
Command + [ Editor > Backward in Document History
Option + Command + [ Editor > Other Editor > Backward in History
Control + Option + Command + ↑ Editor > Other Editor > Scroll Up
Control + Option + Command + ↓ Editor > Other Editor > Scroll Down
Command + Return Media > Play Media File
Option + Command + } Media > Fast Forward
Option + Command + { Media > Rewind
Option + Shift + Command + P Page View > Show/Hide Page View
Control + Command + P Corkboard > Show Pins
Control + Command + S Corkboard > Show Stamps
Control + Command + K Corkboard > Show Keyword Colors
Control + ⇥ Move Focus To > (Next Pane)
Control + Option + Command + B Move Focus To > Binder
Control + Option + Command + E Move Focus To > (Left/Bottom) Editor
Control + Option + Command + R Move Focus To > Right/Top/Supporting Editor
Control + Option + Command + I Inspect > Synopsis
Control + Option + Command + H Inspect > Notes
Control + Option + Command + N Inspect > References
Control + Option + Command + J Inspect > Keywords
Control + Option + Command + M Inspect > Custom Meta-Data
Control + Option + Command + M Inspect > Snapshots
Control + Option + Command + K Inspect > Comments and Footnotes
Command + 9 Outline > Expand All
Command + 0 Outline > Collapse All
Control + Option + ↑ Outline > Previous Container
Control + Option + ↓ Outline > Next Container
Option + Command + R Reveal in Binder
Control + Command + F Enter/Exit Full Screen
Option + Command + F Enter/Exit Composition Mode
Command + N New Text
Option + Command + N New Folder
Option + Shift + Command + N New From Template > (First Template Document)
Shift + Command + T Show/Hide Project Targets
Control + Option + Command + S Text Statistics
Option + Shift + Command + S Project Statistics
Option + Command + P Project Notes
Option + Shift + Command + H Show/Hide Project Keywords
Option + Command + , Meta-Data Settings…
Option + Command + O Open > in (Left/Bottom) Editor
Shift + Command + O Open > in Right/Top/Other Editor
Option + Shift + Command + O Open > With All Subdocuments > On Editor Corkboard
Control + Command + O Open > in External Editor
Command + 5 Snapshots > Take Snapshot
Shift + Command + % Snapshots > Take Snapshot With Title
Control + Command + ] Snapshots > Show Changes > Next Change
Control + Command + [ Snapshots > Show Changes > Previous Change
Command + D Duplicate > with Subdocuments and Unique Title
Shift + Command + D Duplicate > without Subdocuments
Option + Shift + Command + T Set Selection as Title
Command + Delete Move to Trash
Command + K Split > at Selection
Option + Command + K Split > with Selection as Title
Shift + Command + M Merge
Option + Command + G Group
Option + Command + U Ungroup
Control + Command + ← Move > Left
Control + Command + → Move > Right
Control + Command + ↑ Move > Up
Control + Command + ↓ Move > Down
Command + T Font > Show Fonts
Command + B Font > Bold
Command + I Font > Italic
Command + U Font > Underline > Single
Shift + Command + _ Font > Strikethrough
Command + + Font > Bigger
Command + – Font > Smaller
Shift + Command + C Font > Show Colors
Option + Command + C Font > Copy Font
Option + Command + V Font > Paste Font
Command + { Text > Align Left
Command + | Text > Center
Option + Command + | Text > Justify
Command + } Text > Align Right
Control + Command + C Text > Copy Ruler
Control + Command + V Text > Paste Ruler
Option + Command + → Lists > Next List Style
Option + Command + ← Lists > Previous List Style
Control + Option + Command + C Formatting > Copy Formatting
Control + Option + Command + P Formatting > Paste Formatting
Command + 8 Scriptwriting > Script Mode
Shift + Command + Y Scriptwriting > Show Script Elements Menu
Command + R Show/Hide Ruler
Shift + Command + R Show/Hide Format Bar
Shift + Command + H Highlight > Highlight
Shift + Command + * Comment
Control + Command + 8 Footnote
Shift + Command + A Inline Annotation
Shift + Command + F Inline Footnote
Control + Command + T Options > Typewriter Scrolling
Command + Y Bibliography/Citations…
Command + M Minimize
Option + Command + M Minimize All
Control + Command + – Zoom
Control + Option + Command + – Zoom All
Control + Command + = Zoom to Fit Screen
Shift + Command + ) Layouts > Manage Layouts
Control + Command + Q Float QuickReference Panels
Shift + Command + ? Help
Shift + Command + Return Open/Close Scratch Pad
Command + 6 Document/Project Notes
Command + 6 Document/Project References

Is Scrivener Available on Windows and Linux?

Scrivener is one of the best programs for creative writers not only on macOS, but also on Windows. However, if you use a Linux distro, Scrivener is not an option. But the good news is that you’ll find nice long-form writing apps for Linux too!

Read the full article: The Scrivener Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac
