The 7 Best Sites to Prank Your Friends With Fake Email Messages

If you want to send fake emails to prank your friends and family, there are a few online services worth exploring. They each have slightly different features and use cases. Keep reading to learn about seven of the best prank email generators and how you can use them to make an email look like it […]

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How to Quickly Create Temporary Email Addresses With YOPmail

When you want to safeguard your privacy online a good place to start is by using a disposable email address. It allows you to sign up to services or send messages anonymously, or just cut down on the amount of spam your real email address receives. One of the best options for creating temporary email […]

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The 6 Best iPhone Email Apps to Organize Your Inbox

Email is a ubiquitous communications tool for pretty much every aspect of life. Unfortunately, that leads to a big fact of modern life—an overflowing email inbox. While Apple’s stock email app is fine for an occasional message, there are other third-party apps that offer additional features to help make sense of the clutter. Take a […]

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This Intuitive Platform Makes Email Marketing Easy

Any business worth their salt needs to have a reliable email marketing strategy. Digital marketing may be evolving but email is still one of today’s most viable marketing channels. Still, it can be difficult to build a robust email strategy given the high prices of many platforms and the technical expertise needed to code your […]

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Hotmail Is Dead! Microsoft Outlook Email Services Explained

When someone refers to “Outlook,” what exactly do they mean? Is Hotmail the same as Outlook now? What happened to Hotmail? Does Hotmail still exist? Why are Microsoft product names so confusing! Unlock the “Essential Microsoft Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts” cheat sheet now! This will sign you up to our newsletter Enter your Email Unlock Read […]

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