Jeff Bezos Once Told Alexa to "Shoot Yourself" Out of Frustration

When your smart assistant gets a command wrong for the third time in a row, it can be easy to wonder what on Earth the developers were thinking. Fortunately, you’re not alone; even Jeff Bezos has had his fair share of assistant-related rage when he once told an Amazon Alexa to “shoot yourself in the […]

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Apple Store Customers Can Once Again Try On AirPods Before Buying

In a sign that Apple Stores are starting to return to business as usual, coming out of the coronavirus pandemic, customers are once again able to try on AirPods before making a purchase at many outlets. Bloomberg reports that Apple made the call to stop customers from trying on its popular AirPods earbuds early last […]

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How to Record Multiple USB Mics at Once on GarageBand for Mac

GarageBand is a fantastic free digital audio workstation for Apple users. However, it only recognises one input device, which is fine if you’re using an audio interface but can be a problem if you want to record with multiple USB microphones. Here’s how you can create one device that lets you use more than one […]

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4 Ways to Schedule Posts to Multiple Social Media Platforms at Once

Social media has become an inseparable part of modern life. As an individual, your social media profiles are a way to convey your desired persona to people who don’t really know you yet. Whether it’s a potential life partner or a future employer. For others, social media is a necessity for making money. Influencers use […]

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