The Best YouTube Channels for Self-Improvement and Motivation

In the quest for self-improvement, you’ll often find yourself in need of inspiration. Self-help books used to be everybody’s go-to resource, but these days, you can get the best motivation from YouTube channels instead. Some of them explain psychological concepts while others pump you up with motivational speeches. Whatever you need for your personal development journey, […]

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The Best Self-Improvement and Productivity Gifts for Christmas

Most people are striving to improve themselves. Better health, better habits, better organization—it all leads to greater productivity and an improved sense of wellbeing. Except, it’s easier said than done. Life gets in the way. How many times have you vowed to join a gym, quit smoking, or stop procrastinating at work? If you’ve got […]

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5 Self-Improvement Challenges to Boost Your Mental and Physical Health 

This time of the year makes people challenge themselves, whether it’s NaNoWriMo, Movember, or other disciplines. Here are a few more self-improvement challenges, both short-term and long-term, to make a better version of yourself. Challenges are a nice way to start doing something that you keep putting off. They usually give you guidelines or suggestions […]

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