10 Safari Settings You Should Tweak for Better Browsing on Mac

A lot of Mac enthusiasts prefer using Safari over Chrome, thanks to its lower battery consumption. Nowadays, Safari is better than ever before, but as with all browsers it has some quirks that need fixing. Fortunately enough, you can smooth out most of the browser’s rough edges by making a quick visit to Safari’s settings. […]

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Get Quick Access to Useful Settings With One Switch Menu Bar App for Mac

Recent editions of macOS have added some great features, such as Dark Mode and True Tone. The problem is, many of these options are hidden within Preferences. If you would like to take control of your Mac without disrupting your workflow, One Switch is an essential upgrade. This neat app hangs out in the Menu […]

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One Switch for Mac Gives You Quick Access to Useful Settings in the Menu Bar

Activating Dark Mode on your Mac or showing hidden files might not seem like much of a chore. But try to access these settings multiple times a day, and you quickly realize how inaccessible they are. One Switch for Mac is a neat little app that places a long list of useful controls in your […]

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