XP-Pen G960S Plus Review: Entry Level Graphics Tablet in the Age of Affordable Touchscreens

Our verdict of the XP-Pen G960S Plus:While an affordable and easy to use device, the XP-Pen G960S Plus feels the sort of novelty tech that you buy, use once, then put away at the back of your drawer.710 Getting started with graphic art has never been so easy. 30 years ago, you’d have struggled to […]

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Capacitive vs. Resistive Touchscreens: What Are the Differences?

Whenever you buy a touchscreen, it isn’t always advertised whether it’s a capacitive or a resistive touchscreen. Yet, touchscreens of both types are used throughout the electronics industry. If you pay attention, you’ll notice the difference between the two screens. In the case of capacitive touchscreens, such as on very expensive smartphones and tablets, are […]

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