The Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Windows

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You’ll find plenty of reasons to love Mozilla’s Firefox browser. For starters, it’s fast, highly customizable, and has a rich collection of extensions.

If you have chosen Firefox as your go-to app for accessing the web, prepping it for fast, smooth browsing is a good idea.

One way to do that is with the help of keyboard shortcuts. They can speed up navigation, tab management, bookmark creation, on-page searches, and various other browser operations.

To help you discover and memorize the best of Firefox’s keyboard shortcuts on Windows, we have compiled the cheat sheet below. Save it to your desktop for quick access.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Windows.

The Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Windows

Shortcut Action
Alt + Home Open Home Page
Ctrl + Home button Open Home Page in New Tab
Alt + Left Arrow
Ctrl + [
Back one Page
Ctrl + Back button Previous Page in New Tab
Alt + Right Arrow
Ctrl + ]
Shift + Backspace
Forward one Page
Ctrl + Forward button Next Page in New Tab
Enter Open Link/Bookmark
Ctrl + Enter
Ctrl + Left-click
Open Link/Bookmark
in new Background Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Left-click
Shift + Middle-click
Open Link/Bookmark
in new Foreground Tab
Shift + Enter
Shift + Left-click
Open Link/Bookmark
in New Window
Alt + Enter Save Link Target As
Ctrl + O Open File
Windows and Tabs Shortcuts
Ctrl + T Open New Tab
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F4
Close Tab
(close Window if only one tab)
Ctrl + Shift + T Undo Close Tab
Ctrl + Drag Copy Tab
Ctrl + PageUp
Ctrl + Shift + Tab One Tab to the Left
Ctrl + PageDown
Ctrl + Tab One Tab to the Right
Ctrl + 1…8 Select Tab [1 to 8]
Ctrl + 9 Select Last Tab
Ctrl + N Open New Window
Ctrl + Shift + W
Alt + F4
Close Window
Current Page
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
Delete Delete
Tab Focus on Next Link or Field
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl+ Shift + V Paste (as plain text)
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + Z Undo
Shift + Tab Focus Previous Link or Field
Fn + Page Down
Or Press Space bar
Go Down a Screen
Fn + Page Up
Or Press Shift + Space bar
Go Up a Screen
Ctrl + ↓
Go to Bottom of Page
Ctrl + ↑
Go to Top of Page
F6 Move to Next Frame
Shift + F6 Move to Previous Frame
Ctrl + P Print
Alt + Enter Save Focused Link
Ctrl + S Save Page As
Ctrl + + Zoom In
Ctrl + – Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0 Zoom Reset
Ctrl + K
Ctrl + E
Select Search Bar
Ctrl + Down Arrow Select Next Search Engine
Ctrl + Up Arrow Select Previous Search Engine
Alt + Down Arrow
Alt + Up Arrow
Open List of Search Engines
Alt + Enter Open Search Results in New Tab
Search in Page
Ctrl + F Find in This Page
Ctrl + G
Find Again
Ctrl + Shift + G Find Previous
/ Quick Find Text
Quick Find Link
Bookmarks and Browsing History
Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark All Tabs Into a Folder
Ctrl + D Bookmark This Page
Ctrl + B Bookmarks sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + B Library window (Bookmarks)
Press Spacebar – in Empty Search Field in Bookmarks Library Window or Sidebar. Show List of All Bookmarks.
Ctrl + Drag Copy Bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + H History sidebar
Ctrl + J Download History
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Clear Recent History
Media Controls
Spacebar Play/Pause (toggle)
Down Arrow Decrease Volume
Up Arrow Increase Volume
Ctrl + Down Arrow Mute
Ctrl + Up Arrow Unmute
Home Back to Beginning
Ctrl + Left Arrow Back 10%
Left Arrow Back 15 seconds
Right Arrow Forward 15 seconds
Ctrl+Right Arrow Forward 10%
End Forward to End
Ctrl + J Downloads
Ctrl + Shift + A Add-ons
F12 Toggle Developer Tools
Ctrl + Alt + K Web Console
Ctrl + Alt + C Inspector
Ctrl + Alt + S Debugger
Shift + F7 Style Editor
Shift + F5 Profiler
Ctrl + Alt + E Network
Shift + F2 Developer Toolbar
Ctrl + Alt + M Responsive Design View
Shift + F4 Scratchpad
Ctrl + U Page Source
Ctrl + Shift + J Browser Console
Ctrl + I Page Info
PDF Shortcuts
N or J or Right Arrow Next page
P or K or Left Arrow Previous page
Ctrl + + Zoom in
Ctrl + – Zoom out
Ctrl + 0 Automatic Zoom
R Rotate the PDF clockwise
Shift + R Rotate The PDF counterclockwise
Ctrl + Alt + P Switch to Presentation Mode
S Choose Text Selection Tool
H Choose Hand Tool
Ctrl + Alt + G Focus the Page Number input box
General Browser Operations
Ctrl + Enter Complete .com Address
Shift + Delete Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry
Ctrl + Shift + F Toggle Full Screen
Ctrl +Alt + R Toggle Reader Mode
F7 Caret Browsing
Ctrl + L Select Location Bar
Ctrl + F Go to Search Field in Library
Esc Stop Autoscroll Mode
Esc Cancel Drag-and-Drop Operation
Esc Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar
Esc Close a Menu

More Tips for a Faster Firefox Experience

Using keyboard shortcuts will give your Firefox browsing sessions a big burst of speed, but if you want speed up Firefox itself, try these simple tweaks:

Read the full article: The Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Windows
