9 Zapier Integrations That Will Automate Your Task Management Workflow

Delta Online News

Sometimes you could be handling more than ten email accounts, multiple client project dashboards, and collaborating with professionals in different time zones. It's the right time to automate your business workflows.

You can exponentially increase your team's productivity by connecting people, software, and content from many data sources through automation. In this article, we will explore multiple integrations between popular task and project management apps.

1. Google Sheets and Toggl

These two apps are a perfect combination for project management in remote and hybrid setups. Toggl brings time tracking, task management, project timeline, etc., while Google Sheet is the trusted tool for collaborative data management.

Whenever you create a new client, project, task, or time entry in Toggl, Zapier integration can help you manage data for that new task in Google Sheets. You can copy a previous project worksheet in Google Sheets to replicate an old project that fits the new one.

Similarly, whenever you’re adding a new spreadsheet row in the project’s worksheet, Toggl can create a new task, tag, and many more.

2. Monday.com and Excel

You can automate your Excel spreadsheets using Zapier integrations without coding a single line. Moreover, connect Excel with Monday.com to import project management data directly to Excel spreadsheet whenever someone makes changes in Monday.com.

You’ll find a total of 10 actions and triggers for Excel in Zapier. Then again, for Monday.com, you’ll find 14 options for both actions and triggers. So, you can effortlessly create highly complex app integration recipes in Zapier for these two apps.

For instance, if you need to add a new user in your Monday.com app, then Zapier integration can automatically add a row to the table or update a row in the Excel sheet of that project.

3. ClickUp and TimeDoctor

ClickUp is a project management software that enables you to manage the tiniest details of any project. On the other hand, Time Doctor is an app that tracks the workday of your team members.

Instead of operating these two apps separately, you can integrate them to automate several workflows. For example, you may need to add a comment or status to a ClickUp task when the responsible person is absent for the day. Furthermore, you want to track that in Time Doctor for billing purposes.

Instead, automate this non-productive task by connecting Time Doctor with ClickUp. You can create multiple triggering scenarios in ClickUp that make changes in Time Doctor and vice versa.

4. Slack and Things

Slack is a team communications app, while Things is an ideal personal task management app to organize tasks and to-do lists. You might receive tasks through Slack channels and then enter them into your Things account manually.

However, you can automate this task by using Zaps. Zaps are ready-to-use automation scenarios from Zapier. Things will automatically add a to-do item in your preferred folder whenever it detects changes in Slack.

There are many Slack triggers available for automation with the Things app. For example, a new text in a private or public channel could trigger a new to-do on the Things app.

5. Gmail and Things

Gmail is an unspeakable tool for project management, especially for freelance clients. Most gig workers and side hustlers use Gmail as the service from Google is free-to-use for commercial and personal purposes. You can now sync Gmail with the Things app to manage your to-do lists.

After creating an integration for Gmail and Things, you can use up to seven triggers of Gmail that instruct automatic to-do creation on the Things app. Some popular Gmail triggers are:

  • New Email
  • New Attachment
  • New Starred Email
  • New Thread

Once you set up the integration, Gmail and Things will work for hand in hand to update your workday items.

6. Trello and Jira

Jira is popular for issue tracking, while Trello is a kanban-style task management software. Manual creation of tasks in Trello when new issues appear in the Jira app queue could be error-prone and time-consuming. You can significantly increase the productivity of your team if you use ready-to-use Zaps for these two apps.

Let’s say that you got a new request in Jira. Using app integration, you can command Trello to create a relevant card for this task automatically. This automation scenario mitigates the risk of human error and inconsistencies in issue resolution.

Zapier-based automation of Trello also offers other activities like adding attachments to a Trello card, creating a list, finding members, etc.

7. Asana and HubSpot

Real-time sync between the project management tool and CRM software is highly important for customer service-facing teams. In many cases, you might receive new client leads or deals through the HubSpot CRM. Then again, you need to create tasks or update tasks in a project management tool like Asana.

Automate many tasks of HubSpot and Asana by integrating them through Zapier. There are more than ten actions and triggers available if you want to create a tailored automation workflow.

Asana can automatically create tasks, attach files, update tasks, etc. when it detects inputs from HubSpot. HubSpot triggers for Asana could be recently created contacts, new company, new deal, email subscriptions timeline, etc.

8. ClickUp and Jira

If you’re hosting your issue tracking software like Jira on the cloud, you can integrate it with your project management tools like ClickUp. Zapier offers many ready-made automation scenarios for Jira Software Cloud and ClickUp. Your team can directly start working on resolving the issues, rather than copy-pasting data from one app to another.

There are eight actions for the ClickUp app in response to three triggers from Jira Software Cloud. If you’re using the Jira Software Server as the trigger app, you get trigger options like new projects, new issue types, new priorities, etc.

9. Teamwork and Asana

You’re likely getting multiple tasks from different clients through many apps. However, you might want to use one project management tool at your end to avoid complexities. Teamwork and Asana integration through Zapier is one example, where you can aggregate tasks in Asana from another task management app.

This integration cuts down the non-productive work of manually importing tasks from Teamwork. Based on inputs in Teamwork, like new calendar events, event reminders, new invoices, etc., Asana can create new tasks, projects, or even update an existing task.

Cut Down on Busywork

The above list shows a few popular app integrations that most people use to automate project management. However, there are a lot of other automation scenarios that you can explore from integration tools like Zapier.

Automate your workflows by using the above integrations from Zapier, or explore other alternatives that can also help you to drive productivity.

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